young linda at Point Pleasant

About me

I spent my childhood perched very high up in trees (which always made my poor mother a bit twitchy), catching crayfish in the Hamilton School creek behind my house with my friend Rita, or staying in the salty waves as long as possible when we went down the shore to Point Pleasant, NJ every summer.

young linda holding basketball

I spent most of high school on the basketball court or down the shore (this time with my friends) whenever possible.

My favorite places to be now are: (Almost) anywhere Trevor, Michal, and Zach are; any New City Kids site; down the shore with my friends; Kenya, Cuba, Ghana, Guatemala, or wherever our New City Networks team is going next; a farmer’s market; listening to the birds while my dog Trystan takes me for a morning walk; eating Ethiopian food; and did I mention down the shore, where everything’s alright?